Jovan Kaludjerovic - местный частный тур гид в стране Черногория

Being a well traveled individual, with 13 years of shorex cruise line experience, I have returned to my country in order to welcome, host, and spread the word about the most beautiful place in the world, that is Montenegro. Let me share my passion while guiding you through the iconic natural scenery perplexed with ever rich historical heritage, all on your very own tailor-made private tours.

My tours in description are samples of what can be done, while I remain flexible to guests requests at all times with regards to preferred duration, itinerary and inclusions. Entrance fees, or meals are at extra cost. Prices are negotiable and vary depending on number of guests, vehicle used (guest may decide to use its own) and the overall duration.

Please inform yourself via chat or my email in description, and get the best itinerary for the most affordable price.

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