Faysal Ahmed - местный частный тур гид в стране Бангладеш


This is Faysal Ahmed, a business graduate. After completing my graduation, I had sought employment at several organizations. After leaving the corporate industry,I have started my own Startup. I do operate Private Tours for Clients. I would like to build my career as a Professional in Tourism & Hospitality Industry as I feel strong attraction and bond towards this industry. Being a private Tour Guide helps me to know more people and provides me the opportunity to meet and walk with various people from the different branch of the society and status. And all these lead me to learn and acquire knowledge, skills

I do like to explore new things, visit landscapes, knowing History n Historical places. All these make me feel passionate about being a Tour Guide & I feel strong attachment in this regard. from the different branch of the society and status. And all these lead me to learn and acquire knowledge, skills. Finally, nothing is more pleasant and entertaining than be around different people in different people as a Tour Guide.

I do like to explore new things, visit landscapes, knowing History n Historical places. All these make me feel passionate about being a Tour Guide & I feel strong attachment in this regard.

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