Ghanshyam Singh - местный частный тур гид в стране Индия

Hi,I am Ghanshyam Singh

Языки Английский, Французский, Итальянский, Испанский
Валюты Индийская рупия (INR)

Экскурсии (2)

Отзывы Туристов (2)

Carlos Faria
21 НОЯ 2022
Simply THE BEST.
I found Gamshyam on this site, and I think I was very lucky. He picked me up in the airport in Delhi and there were 13 days of enjoyment with the beauties of India. He is always polite, very knowledgeable and he could explain things to me in details. He was always patient with me and always showing kindness and good will. He always tried to make sure if everything was working properly for me. At night time, when I went to my hotel, every time he said that I could call him at any time if I needed. During our entire trip I felt comfortable with him and I could enjoy his good sense of humor. In addition, he speaks very good English and other languages. I really recommend Gamshyam as your tour guide - he is very professional.
Keyuri Popat
11 ЯНВ 2023
Ghanshyam guide was very helpful, making our trip to Delhi and Agra truly memorable! He arranged the perfect transportation, based on our needs and was extremely responsive to all my questions and concerns.
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