Kormi Tamakloe - местный частный тур гид в странах Бенин, Гана, Того

Kormi is a highly experienced tour guide with over 10 years of guiding travelers through the captivating countries of Ghana, Benin, Togo, and Cote d'Ivoire.. I am a professional certified private tour guide and tour director.

I can also give you original itinerary depending on your preferences and additionally, happy to save you time or a lot of stress on hotel booking, transportation, and finding restaurant.

Africa is incredibly rich in history, culture, gastronomy, art and I am sure you will want someone passionate about those subjects, with a perfect command of the English language, to show you the best of what we have got.

I have always enjoyed taking tours myself and crafted the tours I offer with inspiration from the best experiences I think about the world. As a tourist guide, I love offering captivating historical details, combined with original materials and a lot of humor. I have crafted and still crafting excursions that would capture the imagination of travelers, while offering a lot of flexibility to accommodate their preferences.

I love sight-seeing, mountain climbing, tracking and walks. For the best and expert guide on your next tour experience within and outside of Ghana, you can always count on me.

My tours include medical research tours, historical tours, adventure tours, wildlife safari tours, cultural exchange tours, pleasure and romance tours, city tours, nature tours, custom made tours for individuals/ families/ students and business tours.

From the moment you arrive until you walk into the departure lounge at one of the airports, you are my guest. I schedule your tour/travel to suit your needs (please keep in mind that all travel between cities should be done during the day). New destinations can be arranged as it’s flexible.

—-I would like to tell you a bit more about me and my tours. Booking my tours these are services Included:

- Airport pick up and drop off

- Transportation

- Entrance fees

- Logistics

- Invitation letter/documents for visa acquisition.

- I facilitate and obtain a "visa upon arrival" at the airport only by official prior arrangements before your arrival.

-Market survey for organisations and individuals in business

-Business facilitation for people coming for business trips

-Translation service in French.

With an international driver's license and a wealth of knowledge about the region, Kormi is the perfect guide to lead you on a memorable tour of Ghana, Benin, Togo, and Cote d'Ivoire

Языки Английский, Ewe, Французский, Итальянский, Twi
Валюты Доллар США (USD)

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