Nazar Patandev - местный частный тур гид в странах Кыргызстан, Таджикистан

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My name is Nazar Patandaev from Eastern Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. The owner and the manager of the Pamir Experience travel Company. 

Located in the Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. My career in Tourism has begun in 2015. Today I have gathered my own team we are 10 most experienced guides and drivers of the eastern Pamir. We are ready to organize all kind of tours through Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. 




Our team consist of some most experienced guides and drivers who have more then 10 years skills on tourism. 

Our agency proveds a nice tours programs and itinerary plus an exlent service.

Tajikistan/ Kyrgyzstan / Kazakhstan/ Uzbekistan/ Afghanistan/  groups or F.i.t.s tours. 

Our guides have been about 5500 high and seccessfully came back 


We know what toursim is all about. 

Responsibility, honesty and confidence are our most important priority. 


We promise our tours to make their trip to the holy land unforgettable so if you planing on visiting the " Central Asia  make sure you contact us and you will feel the different in your trip


How we are different?

Because of the hard climate, the tour season is too short in Pamir the maximum is four (4) month, How ever, Our team is able to provide then services in winter. We have photo tour, yak tour and jeep tour which AVE the most interesting part , amazing view of the high mountains of Pamir.

Photo tour:As it is known Pamirs is the homeland of Marco Polo sheep, Ibex, brown bear and snow leopard. Our team provide services at show you all the above mentioned wild animals, you have chance to take picture of them and admire with their Evey motion


My name is Nazar Patandaev from Eastern Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. The owner and the manager of the Pamir Experience travel Company. 

Located in the Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. My career in Tourism has begun in 2015. Today I have gathered my own team we are 10 most experienced guides and drivers of the eastern Pamir. We are ready to organize all kind of tours through Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. 




Our team consist of some most experienced guides and drivers who have more then 10 years skills on tourism. 

Our agency proveds a nice tours programs and itinerary plus an exlent service.

Tajikistan/ Kyrgyzstan / Kazakhstan/ Uzbekistan/ Afghanistan/  groups or F.i.t.s tours. 

Our guides have been about 5500 high and seccessfully came back 


We know what toursim is all about. 

Responsibility, honesty and confidence are our most important priority. 


We promise our tours to make their trip to the holy land unforgettable so if you planing on visiting the " Central Asia  make sure you contact us and you will feel the different in your trip


How we are different?

Because of the hard climate, the tour season is too short in Pamir the maximum is four (4) month, How ever, Our team is able to provide then services in winter. We have photo tour, yak tour and jeep tour which AVE the most interesting part , amazing view of the high mountains of Pamir.

Photo tour:As it is known Pamirs is the homeland of Marco Polo sheep, Ibex, brown bear and snow leopard. Our team provide services at show you all the above mentioned wild animals, you have chance to take picture of them and admire with their Evey motion


My name is Nazar Patandaev from Eastern Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. The owner and the manager of the Pamir Experience travel Company. 

Located in the Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. My career in Tourism has begun in 2015. Today I have gathered my own team we are 10 most experienced guides and drivers of the eastern Pamir. We are ready to organize all kind of tours through Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. 




Our team consist of some most experienced guides and drivers who have more then 10 years skills on tourism. 

Our agency proveds a nice tours programs and itinerary plus an exlent service.

Tajikistan/ Kyrgyzstan / Kazakhstan/ Uzbekistan/ Afghanistan/  groups or F.i.t.s tours. 

Our guides have been about 5500 high and seccessfully came back 


We know what toursim is all about. 

Responsibility, honesty and confidence are our most important priority. 


We promise our tours to make their trip to the holy land unforgettable so if you planing on visiting the " Central Asia  make sure you contact us and you will feel the different in your trip


How we are different?

Because of the hard climate, the tour season is too short in Pamir the maximum is four (4) month, How ever, Our team is able to provide then services in winter. We have photo tour, yak tour and jeep tour which AVE the most interesting part , amazing view of the high mountains of Pamir.

Photo tour:As it is known Pamirs is the homeland of Marco Polo sheep, Ibex, brown bear and snow leopard. Our team provide services at show you all the above mentioned wild animals, you have chance to take picture of them and admire with their Evey motion


My name is Nazar Patandaev from Eastern Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. The owner and the manager of the Pamir Experience travel Company. 

Located in the Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. My career in Tourism has begun in 2015. Today I have gathered my own team we are 10 most experienced guides and drivers of the eastern Pamir. We are ready to organize all kind of tours through Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. 




Our team consist of some most experienced guides and drivers who have more then 10 years skills on tourism. 

Our agency proveds a nice tours programs and itinerary plus an exlent service.

Tajikistan/ Kyrgyzstan / Kazakhstan/ Uzbekistan/ Afghanistan/  groups or F.i.t.s tours. 

Our guides have been about 5500 high and seccessfully came back 


We know what toursim is all about. 

Responsibility, honesty and confidence are our most important priority. 


We promise our tours to make their trip to the holy land unforgettable so if you planing on visiting the " Central Asia  make sure you contact us and you will feel the different in your trip


How we are different?

Because of the hard climate, the tour season is too short in Pamir the maximum is four (4) month, How ever, Our team is able to provide then services in winter. We have photo tour, yak tour and jeep tour which AVE the most interesting part , amazing view of the high mountains of Pamir.

Photo tour:As it is known Pamirs is the homeland of Marco Polo sheep, Ibex, brown bear and snow leopard. Our team provide services at show you all the above mentioned wild animals, you have chance to take picture of them and admire with their Evey motion


My name is Nazar Patandaev from Eastern Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. The owner and the manager of the Pamir Experience travel Company. 

Located in the Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. My career in Tourism has begun in 2015. Today I have gathered my own team we are 10 most experienced guides and drivers of the eastern Pamir. We are ready to organize all kind of tours through Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. 




Our team consist of some most experienced guides and drivers who have more then 10 years skills on tourism. 

Our agency proveds a nice tours programs and itinerary plus an exlent service.

Tajikistan/ Kyrgyzstan / Kazakhstan/ Uzbekistan/ Afghanistan/  groups or F.i.t.s tours. 

Our guides have been about 5500 high and seccessfully came back 


We know what toursim is all about. 

Responsibility, honesty and confidence are our most important priority. 


We promise our tours to make their trip to the holy land unforgettable so if you planing on visiting the " Central Asia  make sure you contact us and you will feel the different in your trip


How we are different?

Because of the hard climate, the tour season is too short in Pamir the maximum is four (4) month, How ever, Our team is able to provide then services in winter. We have photo tour, yak tour and jeep tour which AVE the most interesting part , amazing view of the high mountains of Pamir.

Photo tour:As it is known Pamirs is the homeland of Marco Polo sheep, Ibex, brown bear and snow leopard. Our team provide services at show you all the above mentioned wild animals, you have chance to take picture of them and admire with their Evey motion


My name is Nazar Patandaev from Eastern Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. The owner and the manager of the Pamir Experience travel Company. 

Located in the Pamir of TAJIKISTAN. My career in Tourism has begun in 2015. Today I have gathered my own team we are 10 most experienced guides and drivers of the eastern Pamir. We are ready to organize all kind of tours through Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. 




Our team consist of some most experienced guides and drivers who have more then 10 years skills on tourism. 

Our agency proveds a nice tours programs and itinerary plus an exlent service.

Tajikistan/ Kyrgyzstan / Kazakhstan/ Uzbekistan/ Afghanistan/  groups or F.i.t.s tours. 

Our guides have been about 5500 high and seccessfully came back 


We know what toursim is all about. 

Responsibility, honesty and confidence are our most important priority. 


We promise our tours to make their trip to the holy land unforgettable so if you planing on visiting the " Central Asia  make sure you contact us and you will feel the different in your trip


How we are different?

Because of the hard climate, the tour season is too short in Pamir the maximum is four (4) month, How ever, Our team is able to provide then services in winter. We have photo tour, yak tour and jeep tour which AVE the most interesting part , amazing view of the high mountains of Pamir.

Photo tour:As it is known Pamirs is the homeland of Marco Polo sheep, Ibex, brown bear and snow leopard. Our team provide services at show you all the above mentioned wild animals, you have chance to take picture of them and admire with their Evey motion

Языки Английский, Персидский, Русский, Tурецкий
Валюты Доллар США (USD)

Экскурсии (8)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Ольга Z
30 МАЙ 2022
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