Gautam Dhakal - местный частный тур гид в стране Непал

This is Gautam Dhakal professional trekking guide for Everest, Annapurna, Langtang,Dhaulagiri, Kanchanjanga, Manasalu all the region trek. I came from the village of Dhading District (Middle of Manasalu and Ganesha Himal Region) an altitude of 2800 meters in the Ganesh Himal, Manasalu region of Nepal. A short walk From Arughat Bazzar.

I have 20 years of experience leading treks all the Region throughout Nepal, including most popular trek such as Everest base camp trek and Gokyo Cho la pass trek, Annapurna Region which i know very well about Trekking in Everest region, Annapurna region An expert licensed trekking guide, I have also completed 6-week trekking guide and rock climbing course and obtain the guide license from Nepal Government. I have also done other training such as Mountain Sickness and First Aid as well as Responsible and Sustainable tourism development.

He leads at least 8-12 small and big group to Everest region each year and when he’s not leading treks he loves to spend his time with family and helps his family farm to grow vegetables, wheat, barley & potatoes.

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