Inayat Ullah shimshali - местный частный тур гид в странах Германия, Пакистан, Непал


Inayat started working in Pakistan tourism at the age of 15 years. After working for 17 years as a Manager with Privet Tour Company. Inayat realized that he could provide clients with the flexibility of a quality first-class service that lacking in larger companies.

After Getting Years of Knowledge and experience with boundless enthusiasm for his country Pakistan, Inayat believes in sharing the sense of excitement and adventure that one whilst visiting the Karakorum, Himalayas, and Hindukush. Due to his well and active functioning in the Pakistan Tourism industry, Inayat has been successfully leading Company with a partner Mr. Manzoor and Mr. Hameed. We are operating a simple but extremely smart business model, Company has grown significantly every year. Inayat's desire is to ensure that Rock Valley Tours maintains its high quality of services and stays true to its mission of promoting socially and environmentally sound projects.

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