Lana Moon - местный частный тур гид в стране Грузия

Hello all! My name is Lana. I am a tour guide and driver in Georgia. I have been driving for over 20 years. Historian by education.

Each person goes to Georgia with their own expectations and they are different for everyone. Therefore, when they turn to me for an individual tour, I first of all ask about the wishes and preferences of the guests, and on this basis I will create a travel program special for you. Georgian say - a guest, this is the messenger of God. Therefore, it is very important that the guests are satisfied, get a lot of pleasant impressions and learn about the rich culture and history of Georgia. For me, this is not a job, because work can not be called what you love to do. This is a chance to meet new friends, interesting people, share emotions from the beauties of the country. You will like it in Georgia!

I love Georgia and share my love and my knowledge for this country with my guests. I conduct one-day individual tours from Tbilisi, as well as multi-day tours throughout the country. Jeep 4x4 - (6 passengers + driver) allows you to arrange unforgettable trips and hikes in the mountains of the Caucasus. I also organize and conduct group tours. Explore the beauty of Georgia with me!

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