Gert Hoxha - местный частный тур гид в стране Албания

I am Gert, i am a licensed nationial tourist guide in Albania and currently serve as a resident guide in Butrint National Park.

I am fluent in english and italian.

As long as i can remember i loved reading history and literature, so it came as a no brainer for me to pursue history studies, which i graduated in 2005 from the University of Tirana.

Since than i had work experiences in public relations and marketing until i moved to Saranda in 2013 and completely focused in guiding tours, initially in and around Saranda, southern Albania and eventually all over Albania and the Balkans.

Now everything came full circle and i settled in the pride of albanian antiquities, Butrint.

When i started working as a tourist guide and exchanging knowledge and exoeriences with oeople from around the world and from all sorts of backgrounds, i realized that people dont just need a lecturer of past events but a relatable friendly person who is able and enthusiastic about sharing local culture and customs, and this what i find pride and pleasure doing now.

Языки Английский, Итальянский
Валюты Лек (ALL), Евро (EUR), Доллар США (USD)

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