Prakash Aryal - местный частный тур гид в стране Непал

Hello Namaste or greetings from Nepal,

I am Prakash Aryal is an enthusiastic native of Nepal and belongs from Kathmandu, which is known for its diverse population and rich cultural legacy. I have finished my postgraduate studies in Sociology and Anthropology then began working as a teacher. I entered the tourist industry in 2009, and I began working for Attractive Travels and Tours since 2012. I am also able to conduct in-depth study on the locations he must take his clients and compile relevant data ahead. I am deep knowledge of the places he travels to with his clients and is extremely passionate about cultural excursions. I am working as freelancer tour guide in Kathmandu Nepal.

Throughout tours, I always had a penchant for telling visitors the stories of the temple city and the entire nation. I am incredibly knowledgeable in trivia, fun facts, and other interesting stuff, and I am extremely proficient at revealing the country's secrets to visitors and fostering a sense of familiarity and connection with Nepal. Having outstanding and original communication skills.

Meeting new people and interacting with them have always been something he enjoys a lot. I am good knowledge on written and oral forms of English and German languages. I am highly appreciated guide because of his understanding of the history and culture of the people of Nepal.

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