Gjenc Koxha - местный частный тур гид в стране Албания

About us:

“Albanian Tourism Guide” was establish in February 28 2014.

It`s establishment took incentive from numerous tourist potential of natural and unexposed to foreign tourists, but also for Albanians themselves. We at first want to tell the true history, explore the virgin nature, and to expose all the cloak our country in the eyes of all the tourists who want to visit Albania.

All our guides are aimed at: information, enjoyment, adventure, challenge, and over all entertainment of all members of the grup. Albanian Tourism Guide organisation: Guide in Albania and also in the region, both for foreign tourists and for the Albanian tourist, hotel reservations, tour packages, business packages etc ...

"Our passion and inspiration comes from the natural beauty and history of our enigma background, one of the oldest nations of the world. Also for a particular language that has no resemblance to any other language in the world ".

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