Stelios Gaitanidis - местный частный тур гид в стране Греция

Live your myth in Greece...

My name is Stelios Gaitanidis and I am an archaeologist and historian of Greek culture and Civilization.

I hold a postgraduate diploma in the department of prehistoric archeology of the University of the Aegean in Greece. I am currently a PhD student in prehistoric archeology at the University of Cyprus.

My specialization is in themed tours but also with alternative proposals in the city of Volos (Greece) where I live permanently and Mount Pelion.

However, after consultation, tours are possible in Athens, Thessaloniki, Meteora and the surrounding area.

The guided tours are private and seek the interactive and cognitive experience of the visitor with the history, myths and local tradition of each region.

I also wanted to mention that in terms of pricing my tours include costs based on what the guest is asking for. In each case there is flexibility by agreement.

Thank you.

Языки Английский, Греческий
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