Abdul Qayoum Pirooz - местный частный тур гид в стране Афганистан

Hi there! My name is Abdul Qayoum Pirooz,

I'm a friendly and outgoing person who loves immersing myself in local cultures and meeting new people. I have a passion for music, especially traditional styles from around the world, and I love attending concerts and festivals. I'm also a huge football fan and enjoy watching matches with friends and other fans.

In addition as a tourguide, I offer a warm and welcoming home to travelers from all over the world. I'm happy to share my local knowledge and tips for exploring my city and am always eager to show my travelers around and introduce them to local culture. Whether you're looking for a place to stay for a night or hoping to connect with locals during your travels, I'd be honored to guid you and help make your trip unforgettable.

So, whether you're looking for a respectful and adventurous guide, I'm your guy! Let's share our stories and explore the world together.

Языки Английский, хинди, персидский, Urdu
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Афгани (AFN)

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