Nick Tran - местный частный тур гид в стране Вьетнам

Hello friends around the world!

My name is Nghia and you can call me Nick. As a Vietnamese who has lived and studied in Europe and Singapore, I have an opportunities to meet and know many foriegners. Some of them become my friends for a life time and I invited them to visit Vietnam many times. With that experience, I would like to experience a new challenge as a real tour guide to do my hobby as show friends around the world about my city.

With my understanding of your desire to experience the culture like a local with culture activities, street cuisine, etc, I will be flexible to offer those activities which are matched for you beside sight seeing and historical landmark.

If you are interesting to discover Ho Chi Minh city with me, feel free to contact me through wassap or skype. We can plan together to let you have the best experience in Vietnam.👍🏻

Языки Английский, вьетнамский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Донг (VND)

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