Erick Bali - местный частный тур гид в стране Индонезия

My name is Kadek (Host)

I was born and grew up in Bali, so I really know the traditions and things about Bali.

Co-host: sila , wayan , made , nyoman and ketut

We have experience in the tourism sector for quite a long time.

We can speak English well and have done this experience with guests from various countries.

Don't hesitate anymore,

your safety and comfort are number one for us

Языки Английский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Австралийский доллар (AUD), Рупия (IDR), Сингапурский доллар (SGD)

Экскурсии (6)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Sugi Sri
15 ЯНВ 2023
What an amazing experience. Early start from Nusa Dua but well worth it! Most of the 1hr 30m climb was quite gentle, just a couple of spots getting your heart rate a little higher. Our guide was excellent and good at judging a comfortable pace for us. Again our guide was very attentive, enjoyed a hot chocolate and breakfast while watching the sun slowly rise. A note to take a jacket can be quite cool at the almost 6000ft altitude! All the best spots were shown to us and again our guide was very good at asking for our phones to help us with the best photos to remember our journey to Mt Batur.
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