Gamal Eldawy - местный частный тур гид в стране Египет

My name Gamal I'm tour guide but I'm not just guide I'm in love with Egyptian civilization. . I born and grow up in Luxor city between the temple's and tomb I was wonder to understand and read the old Egyptian hieroglyphs. . step by step day by day I grow up and my passion grow up with me after I finished my study and be tour guide so I can tell my guest all really information about Egyptian civilization and the true of Egyptian history. . so I'm looking forward to give my experience to your qualified tour guide, to carry out archaeological tours from Luxor to the last place in Egypt, the Temple of Abu Simbel. The drink, marriage and everything related to the Egyptian life, as well as some of my special touches that I gained through my work as a multilingual tour guide to make your trip special and lasting its memory forever and be one of your most beautiful adventures


Former tour guide Graduate from the institute of ejoth in Luxor After I had got the a statement Frome the ministry of antiquities and tourism the general department for tour guides


English (advanced)

Russian (advanced)


I don't have any problems .. I'm former tour guide




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