Eva Polino - местный частный тур гид в стране Италия


Hello, my name is Eva, I am a licensed tour guide of Rome and Province. I am an art historian with masters in history of art and history of architecture. My specialty is private tours and, even given a specific itinerary, I like to shape and tailor the tour to every guest's special needs. I like to take my guests on multiple days tours to hit not only the highlights but especially the hidden treasures of my beautiful city. History and art are ways to travel through time and discover the city's past lives, the people, their daily life... my passion is also working with kids, I like to organize activities for them and to see the wonder through their eyes. With such vivid imagination and open mind they are really able to see through the different layers of history without conventions and restrictions, it is fun and engaging at the same time. My returning clients rely on me for their further exploration amd trust my judgment based on our past visits, we plan together itineraries and I think this is one of my favorite parts. :-)

Языки Английский, Итальянский, Испанский
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