Georgia Dimas - местный частный тур гид в стране Греция

Santorini Guide

I am a licensed tourist guide in Santorini, for almost 20 years. Even though I was born and grew up in Athens, I’ve spend all my summers as a kid on the island, since that’s where my grandmother was from.

I went to college to become a tourist guide and I returned to work to Santorini for one season! Santorini is an amazing place, one season became twenty, very fast and Santorini became home for me and my two kids.

I love the island, everything is brighter there, it really excites me introducing it to its visitors and the biggest reward for me is when at the end of a tour I see the same excitement on their faces.


In Greece, only LICENCED TOURIST GUIDES are allowed to give tours Legally.

Guiding in Greece, providing cultural, historic, religious, culinary tours, inside or outside the archeological sites and museums is prohibited by anyone who is not bearing the official tourist guide badge i9ssued by the Greek ministry of tourism, with his license number on.

In addition, LICENCED TOURIST GUIDES follow all the Government guidelines on Health and Safety regarding the recent COVID crisis.

Trust the professionals

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