Srinu Arvapalli - местный частный тур гид в стране Индия

Namaste every one and Aadaab !! At the seed of my decision was my love on Tourism When I Joined in Bachelor Degree in Tourism and my passion for sharing Asli Hyderabadi Kahaani (stories ). It is my passion and I feel it is a great opportunity to represent my country.” As Cultural Ambassador .

I was born and raised with Tourism. I have been a part of the tourism industry for more than 22 years, and loves planning and organizing visits to Hyderabad and around Telangana and Andhra Pradesh for the people all over the world. I studied Tourism and travel management, Ancient Indian History culture and Archaeology and Pursuing PhD on Museums of Hyderabad from Osmania University.I was trained as Tour Guide by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and working as Approved Regional Level Tour guide by Ministry of Tourism Government of India, and I was awarded as best Tour guide in the year 2013-14 and 2014-15 by Ministry of Tourism Government of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.When I Started working as Guide to provide travelers with local, authentic true experiences that make them feel like members of Asli (True)Hyderabad. Here I am dedicated by sharing authentic, local experiences with our guests.I am happy to share all perspectives from Hyderabad Irani chai Political talks to everyday home-life.As a Hyderabadi I feel very proud ourselves on offering affordable tours while never compromising the quality of our experiences. Here I am interacting with new people every day, and constantly working and finding new ways to improve. I ensure that every guest of Mine has an unforgettable experience.I promise and guarantee that you will take home unique, authentic, and uncountable memories that will last a lifetime with Hyderabad

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