Gonzalo Arceo - местный частный тур гид в стране Испания

After my university studies in the Business Administration, I left the city to travel a bit the world, then, I was living in several countries like Ireland, France, Iran, Mexico or Benin. I learned a bit about other cultures and towns around the world.

After my experiences abroad, I decided to come back to San Sebastian and settled down in my native city for guiding and showing to visitors the magic of the region.

I love nature and on my free time I love to go into the ocean for surfing or swimming and into the mountains for climbing or trekking.

I am also passionate of history and culture and a good food lover, always ready for good tasting meal :-)

I am looking forward to meeting you and transmit you the magic of our region, let's do it combining 3 Basque passions: gastronomy, culture and nature, I am sure we are going to have a great time together.

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