Erion Puca - местный частный тур гид в стране Албания

I knew it was going to be hard. I knew it was going to be a lot of work. I just didn’t realize how much work would turn out to be.

Guiding a tour is exhausting, but fun work. There’s a lot of pressure you’re in charge of these people and their holiday. If you mess up, you mess up their holiday. They put their faith into your hands, and while you can only do your best with some things being out of your control, it’s stressful. But then when they remember your stories, facts and destinations they're been, you see the happiness and satisfaction on their faces is the power that keeps you going on.

Языки Albanian, Английский, Французский, Итальянский
Валюты Евро (EUR)

Экскурсии (5)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Fabrizio Lolli
04 ДЕК 2023
I recently had the pleasure of experiencing a three-day tour guided by Erion, and I cannot express how satisfied I am with the entire experience. Erion not only demonstrated exceptional professionalism and extensive knowledge of the locations and history but also displayed remarkable patience and attention to the members of our group, some of whom were quite elderly.

Erion's expertise in providing historical context and insights into the places we visited truly enriched the tour. His passion for storytelling and connecting with the group made the experience both informative and enjoyable. What impressed me the most was his ability to cater to the diverse needs of our group, ensuring that everyone felt comfortable and engaged throughout the journey.

In addition to being a highly knowledgeable guide, Erion exhibited a genuine warmth and friendliness that created a welcoming atmosphere for all participants. His consideration for the older members of the group was particularly commendable, as he adjusted the pace and provided assistance whenever necessary.

I wholeheartedly recommend Erion as a tour guide to anyone looking to embark on a short or extended tour. Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply someone eager to explore new places, Erion's guidance will undoubtedly enhance your travel experience. His combination of professionalism, knowledge, patience, and genuine care for the group sets him apart as an outstanding guide. Don't miss the opportunity to have Erion as your guide – you won't be disappointed!
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