Willem Mulder - местный частный тур гид в стране Южно-Африканская Республика

I live and play in the most beautiful city in the world, Cape Town. I quit my corporate job in 2009, became a tour guide and started my business, Cape Town Trike Tours. One of my great passions has always been motorcycles and trikes so what better way to earn a living than incorporating my passions in what I do every day and being able to share that passion and my city with my guests just makes my "job" so much more satisfying. I offer my tours on a state of the art German built Boom trike...the only one of its kind in South Africa.

I am very proud to be the only person in Cape Town offering trike tours. If you are looking for a unique and fun way to explore Cape Town, I'm the guy you want to come to.

I look forward to meeting you and providing you with an experience that will want you coming back for more.

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