Kawsar Ahmed Milon - местный частный тур гид в стране Бангладеш

I'm from Bangladesh 🇧🇩 studied in International Relations from Dhaka university. I now I'm living in dhaka city 🇧🇩 and working as a tourist guide .I also like traveling,adventures meet with new people and culture.I enjoy my work.

I also completed my post-graduation in Tourism and Hotel management. I have already guided more than 65 tourists from different countries. I am born and brought up in Dhaka. So I am familiar with this city since my birth. And I myself is a traveler and love to explore places. Though I haven't got that much chances to see all around the world till now, but I will, someday!

You won't regret if you choose me as your guide because I can give you a friendly vibe with good hospitality!

Hope to see you soon (if you pick me).

As a student from International relations and Tourism & hotel management i will show historical and traditional tourist places in dhaka city as well as village. I would love to accompany you to the most touristic and beautiful places in Bangladesh specially in dhaka city. A little but beautiful countryside that also inside Dhaka and out of Dhaka.but I would also like you to know places that are not so popular but that you should visit, museums, parks, shopping centers, if you like exercise go to the gym, natural walks from where you can see the whole city, night viewpoints, amusement parks, the goal is for you to get the most out of your trip ❤️

I can take you to shopping at the best shops/markets for souvenirs and for yourself.

Allover, you can have a full package experience of fun and adventure if you choose me as your tour guide and here I am to be your friend.

Языки Английский, Французский
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