Niraj Kumar Singh - местный частный тур гид в стране Индия


Namaste travelers 🙏

I am Niraj from Nalanda Bihar, India. I am approved Incredibleindia tourist Guide of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.

I am specialize in Buddhist Circuit tour and Cultural tour. I will take you to the extreme places of Buddhist India where Buddhism originated more than 2500 years ago. A tour with me provides opportunities for spiritual growth and personal transform, action by visiting some of the most important scared sites of Buddha's life. The tour aimed at opening your minds to a whole new world away from the concrete jungles of urban life to Blissfulness…

I truly believe that travel is all about self discovery and self evolution. It give you the joy, freedom, excitement, curiosity, adventure, fun, learning and most importantly it enlighten your soul. A tour with me will give you the most worthwhile and enriching experience with in-depth knowledge.

So, come be the part of spiritual tour and explore the Buddhist India were Buddhism originated more than 2500 years ago with me.

Thank you and Regards,


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