Dmitry Saley - местный частный тур гид в странах Эстония, Латвия

I have been interested in history from my childhood. As I grew up, my interest turned into a hobby first, and then into a profession. I truly believe that the only way to do something well is to love it and put your heart into it. I love my country, its culture, people and history of all periods, both good and bad. I love to make connections between the old times and the present

day life, because, would not you agree, that knowing the country is not just about reading a book on the history of Middle Ages?

I like jokes and believe that a lot of hidden things can be seen through the humour of the country.

Welcome to Estonia and its beautiful capital Tallinn! The most beautiful Old Town in northern Europe and the most successful of all former Soviet republics is waiting for you!

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