Şennur Aslan Savaş - местный частный тур гид в стране Турция

The History and Cultures’ mosaic is the most beautiful museum of a country. In this sense, I like to be a part of this beauties of my country. I was graduated from Selcuk University Tourism Guiding Department in 2006.

As a Professional National Tourist Guide affiliated to the Ministry of Tourism of Turkey, I have been explaining the historical and cultural beauties of my country in 16 years.

I lived very different parts of my country at my childhood.So I had chance to be very close to cultures where I lived.

Now,I live in İstanbul.I am guiding in all historical part of Türkiye.

I love doing cultural tours,hiking tours and talk about topics such as culinary arts, the history of religions, and the social structure of my country.

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