Aijaz Ahmed - местный частный тур гид в стране Пакистан

Energetic and resourceful Tour Guide with one year of experience accompanying tourists on trips to various locations in Karachi, Pakistan. Adept at performing research in an effort to make optimal travel plans. Experienced in organizing itineraries according to time frames, weather, and events. Dedicated to providing the best customer service and travel experience possible.

Pick n Drop, Parties, and Picnic Services are available

Ability to manage multiple tasks

Ensured the safekeeping and enjoyment of visitors.

Ensured that visitors are treated with utmost courtesy.

Assisted with the security of the venue and ensured the safety of visitors.

Wide experience in customer service and travel

Pick n Drop, Parties, and Picnic Services

Языки Английский, Urdu
Валюты Пакистанская рупия (PKR)

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