Arun Sapkota - местный частный тур гид в стране Непал

Namaste from Nepal Himalaya !

This is Arun Sapkota, A government certified tour and trekking guide in Nepal. i have more than a decade experience in tourism field in Nepal. i have been working as a guide for one to multi days tour and trekking in Nepal. Personally, i am very loyal, honest , understanding and friendly person.

My concern is always be there to provide the best and quality services to my clients.

So please feel free to contact me for any tour related services anywhere in Nepal. I do provide private transport along with the trip i organise. It is a private day tour or a week-long package tour i guarantee you the best itinerary according to your requirement. You just give an opportunity to serve you I promise to send you back with never forgetting lifetime experience and memories of beautiful country Nepal.

Языки Китайский, Английский, хинди, непальский
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