Roman Axt - местный частный тур гид в стране Казахстан

Warm greetings, dear visitors and guests of the Apple City!

My name is Roman Axt, and it would be a great pleasure for me to be your guide and to show you the hidden gems this beautiful city has to offer! Almaty is the second love of my life, and while living here, I was privileged to discover, explore and learn about its attractions, places of interest such as museums, historical buildings, parks and picturesque walking routes of the city, as well as its surroundings. I am extremely enthusiastic and passionate about the city (as well as our country), well versed in its history and current developments, and sharing my knowledge and experience with you, dear visitor, would truly be my greatest pleasure!

Furthermore, thanks to having completed education abroad (Reading, England), my English level is of a native speaker, which makes me an effective communicator with an exceptional speaking skill.

Please, don’t hesitate to ask me any question. Just text me here and I’ll give you hints and directions, answer your questions completely free of charge.

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Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Тенге (KZT)

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