Sunny Mekong - местный частный тур гид в стране Вьетнам

Although my client refers to me as Sunny or Sonny, my name is Son.

I am passionate and knowledgeable about Vietnamese history, culture, lifestyle, architecture, and culinary specialties, and I would love to impart that knowledge to my valued client.

I have worked in many places in Vietnam such as Can Tho, Phu Quoc, Phong-Ke Bang, and Saigon. . .

Cần Thơ also written as Can Tho is the fourth-largest city in Vietnam and the largest city in the Mekong Delta region in Vietnam. It is noted for its floating markets, rice paper-making village, and picturesque rural canals.

I know Can tho like the back of my hand. I studied for 4 years at the university in Can Tho. Besides, I also have 2 years working here so I have a good understanding of this place. I can confidently take you to visit every corner here if you want to understand more about this place.

Over the past four years, I have welcomed hundreds of charming visitors from all over the world to experience my beautiful country, Vietnam.

Furthermore, I want to thank my clients, who challenge me every day, allowing me to discover that there is always something new to learn and show.

So if you are looking for a private guide or a reliable companion, please feel free to contact me for all immediate assistance. I'm always here to welcome you and make sure you have a fantastic holiday in Can Tho and Vietnam. See you soon!

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