Hristina Nedelcheva - местный частный тур гид в стране Болгария

I am a professional tour guide in Bulgaria, authorized by the Ministry of Tourism according to the Bulgarian tour guide regulation act. I have over 20 years of working experience as a tour guide plus a significant professional background in the field of tourism in Bulgaria. I am also a member of the Union of Bulgarian Tourist Guides. With me as your tour guide in Bulgaria you can choose an itinerary that suits you best. There is a great selection of private tours that I can guide for independent travelers or groups in Bulgaria. I am an easygoing, quite considerate person and a good communicator. I am conducting and customizing in Bulgaria:

- Shore Excursions in: Varna, Nessebar, Burgas, Russe ports of call in Bulgaria;

- Day tours, City tours, VIP tours during your hotel/holiday/business stay in Bulgaria;

- Airport and Hotel Transfers in Bulgaria;

- Round trips along the Bulgarian Black sea coast;

- Round trips of Bulgaria (duration upon request)

- Guided museum visits; guided church & monastery visits in Bulgaria, countryside etc.

- Conducting translations: English - Bulgarian.

I provide reliable services at reasonable rates.

I look forward to meeting you in Bulgaria.

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