Victoria Nabholz - местный частный тур гид в стране Франция

I’m Victoria Nabholz, accredited guide of France (see my official guide License) and wine expert DipWSET Level 4 undergrad (see WSET Level 3) , based in Bordeaux. My official acknowledgements and 18 years experience helped me to have close relationships with the top Classified wineries, historical and architectural sites, and national museums. I provide our clients with highly sought-after private access to the Best Classified Growth Bordeaux chateaux, as well as with private visits of the unique underground monuments of Saint-Emilion while creating unique tours tailored to each client. From those guests looking to explore Bordeaux’s famous wine regions or go deeper to Bordeaux wine tasting workshops to those who wish to explore the city’s culture, history or cosmopolitan lifestyle, I assure that a custom-designed tour awaits. I work with large groups as well as individuals and arrange every detail. Don't hesitate to contact me for an unforgettable vacation in Bordeaux and its region.

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