Nilufar Asadova - местный частный тур гид в стране Узбекистан

  • English
  • Русский

Hi, Nilufar Asadova, a seasoned local guide based in Bukhara, Uzbekistan, with three years of experience in showcasing the rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes of our country.

As a tour operator and manager, I specialize in crafting personalized and immersive experiences for visitors across Uzbekistan. From historical explorations to off-the-beaten-path adventures, I'm dedicated to creating unforgettable journeys that highlight the beauty and diversity of our vibrant nation.

With my expertise as a tour operation manager, I can seamlessly organize tours tailored to your preferences, ensuring an enriching and seamless travel experience."

I am a local English speaking guide in Bukhara,Uzbekistan!

Additionally, I organize a tour in Uzbekistan according to the interest and requirements of the guest visiting Uzbekistan.

The colleagues I work with, as a team in cities like Tashkent, Samarkand, and Khiva, are willing to guide the coming guests properly.

Welcome to Uzbekistan!

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Экскурсии (1)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Lütfi Atay
23 НОЯ 2023
She was excellent guide. She guided us in Bukhara for day. She was on time and her english was very good & clear. She had skill and good knowledge. we were 3 friends in group for walking tour in city. She showed all atractions with good details. I recommend her service.
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