영식 윤 - местный частный тур гид в стране Южная Корея

I was born & raised and have been living in Seoul entire my life and have been doing this guide job for 10yrs.

I'd like to share stories of what Korea was like, how we changed, how we live, and our view of N. Korea

and outside of the world, etc with you.

I'm pretty sure I know all the best scenery spots, places to visit, when to visit, best way, places to eat, etc in Seoul

I'm a doctoral candidate in Korean modern history. There is still a long way to go but I'm making good progress and I'm planning to publish books on Korean history and culture. I'd like to share more details with you and I believe you will find interest.

I fully understand it's your valuable holiday and I do my best all the time for your time in Korea.

I'm happy when I make others happy.

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