Jonas Zannou-zoki - местный частный тур гид в странах Бенин, Нигерия, Гана

Jonas ZANNOU-ZOKI, Professionnal French and English World Tourism Organization acredited Tour Guide, among the First Cohorte of 54 Benin Tour Guides, member of the National Benin Tour Guides Confederation.The advantages of touristic aspects of my native lake village of Ganvié give me the envy to be close to the tourists from Bénin and other parts of the world.Then I've started doing tour guide since 2003.Holder of a tourist guide certificate from the Ministry of Tourism of Benin in 2010 at Abomey-Calavi and in 2022 during the training organized for the first Cohorte of 54 Benin Tour Guide in Cotonou by The World Tourism Organization and Benin Government.I like sharing the culture of my native and lovely country and other parts of West Africain with my guests.I work in many touristic fields such as Ganvié, Aguegues, Porto-Novo, Ketou, Ouidah, Abomey-Calavi, Abomey, Lagos, Lomé, Accra, Abidjan, San Pedro, Grand Bassam etc.For your next tour to Bénin and some other part of West Africa, don't hesitate to contact your UNWTO acredited tour guide, Jonas ZANNOU-ZOKI.Our guests satsfaction is our priority.

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