Enrico Ardinata - местный частный тур гид в стране Индонезия

Hi, I'm Enrico. 🍭

I am a cheerful person, i like to make others smile. I graduated from Diponegoro University, the best University in Central Java, Indonesia.

I'll deliver tours and accompany you.

We can tour around the city of Solo, I will take you to visit many temples and waterfalls.

I you are interested in going on a solo city trip, or adding other cities, I will offer a very cheap price compared to the others (because I will estimate as little money as possible, by buying local tickets and managing finances well, without reducing the quality of the trip tour).

Lets book your tour with me, a cheerful local tour guide. ✨️✨️

Языки Английский, индонезийский, яванский
Валюты Рупия (IDR)

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