Mogamat Toffar - местный частный тур гид в стране Южно-Африканская Республика

I am a seasoned tourist guide with an abundance of knowledge of Cape Town and most places in South Africa. As a former journalist and photo-journalist I can offer my clients and visitors to our country so much more in experiences. I love all people and like to share ideas about travelling to new places.

I cover all the day tours in the Western Cape, Big 5 Safaris, Garden Route and Kruger National Park packages, while specializing in photographic Safaris. I have an intimate knowledge of Cape Town and its people. I'm passionate about the Mother City and always try to imbue my tourists with the spirit of this amazing place. I am committed to service excellence and have a comprehensive comments book (including photographs) of all my satisfied tourist clients. You will be impressed with what our beautiful country has to offer. I'll make sure of that!

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