Alessandro Perrone - местный частный тур гид в стране Италия

Licensed tour guide, professional nature and interpretive guide AIGAE, food and wine expert (virgin olive oil taster, sommelier AIS) and tour leader for private tailor-made tours, walking, hiking, biking and kayaking excursions for leisure and MICE (Meeting Incentive Congress Event) travellers (interested in art, history, and archaeology; nature; wine and gastronomy; culture, traditions and folklore; religion and spirituality). I work, in Italian and English language, in Italy and mainly in Puglia Region, Matera and surroundings.

Thanks to my long-standing experience in tourism (I’ve been working in this sector since 1998), I can support you (as freelance or thanks to some trustful partners) also with some incoming services and special interest activities (culinary and foodie experiences, photo tours, artisans’ workshops) to discover, enjoy and taste the authentic apulian lifestyle.

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