Nilda Alper - местный частный тур гид в стране Турция

*Both of the sea town city and the natürel town

*Both of The Must see and the Hidden gems travelers usually miss.

*Tell me what you’re craving and the foodie me will take you to the right place.

*I’m a sunset lover, stunning views are my thing.

I cant wait to share this magic and show you about all the beautiful places, you can feel totally free with me and be yourself .


Meeting at your hotel/location - vice versa

Tour Itinerary

~ Topkapi Palace (Harem included) -

Enterance fee : 1500 Turkish Lira per person

~ Hagia Sophia (Upper Gallery for non muslims Enterance fee (25 Euro) per person - Muslims can visit the entrance floor just during the prayer period for free)

~ Blue Mosque (Free for non Muslims)

~ Hippodrome

~ Basilica Cistern - Enterance fee : 600 Turkish Lira per person

~ Grand Bazaar

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