Ibrahim Majed - местный частный тур гид в стране Саудовская Аравия

I do travel for living. I'm a flight attendant and tour guide. I've served my guests for the last 7 years with passion and high standards. the guest experience and satisfaction are the only things that matter.

If this is your first time in Jeddah or Saudi Arabia, please don't hesitate to contact me anytime. I'll be happy to answer any questions or inquiries.

and if you are a frequent traveler, then you are family 😁 Let me show you the city with different eyes 😁

I hope you enjoy your stay in Saudi Arabia, feel free, feel home, and enjoy our remarkable experience

Языки арабский, Английский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Саудовский риял (SAR)

Экскурсии (4)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Tasneem Hassan
13 МАР 2024
Excellent private tour. Our guide Ibrahim was incredibly knowledgable and gave us a fantastic day in jeddah Albalad . We learnt about history, art, culture and much more. and we were very happy with our tour guide
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