YanPing Li - местный частный тур гид в стране Китай

I am an optimistic and cheerful Chinese girl who loves to laugh! My friends tell me that my smile is very infectious, see my smile all troubles away!

It is said that the girl who loves to smile is not too bad luck, I hope my good luck will bring him and her new friends to know in the future!

I love to make new friends from the worldwide,because of job nature,so i had been to a many countries,such as US,France,Spain,Norway,Sweden,Hungary, Germany etc.Now i work and living in Shenzhen,i would like to show all my living places to those new friends who want to know the China.Although i am not a qualification tour guide,it should be different feeling when you contact with me!

Anyway,hope you will be my right person!

See you Soon




Языки Китайский, Английский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Юань (CNY)

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