Tina DM - местный частный тур гид в стране Хорватия

Dobar dan (Hello in Croatian)!

If you are looking for a professional tour guide with a lot of experience as a tour guide and tour operator for the city of Zagreb and Croatia, look no more, you find me :-)!

I was born and lived almost all my life in Zagreb the city which will slowly enchant you with its atmosphere, its people, its architecture and a way of living. During my tours you experience Zagreb through my eyes and my personal stories as well as through legends, anecdotes and facts about its history, culture, gastronomy, life…

I also do the tours around Croatia in English and French language and have many licences for different regions of Croatia!

Come with me and let me show you my home town and my country! Dobrodošli!

Языки Английский, Французский, хорватский
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