Emanueli Saidi - местный частный тур гид в стране Танзания

My name is Emanuel Saidi,I was born and grown up at Kilimanjaro region in Tanzania, the vibrant town in the foothills of unique and famous Mount Kilimanjaro. I'm chief guide and Director of Click Expedition, a small registered and licensed local company located in Moshi, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

We provide high quality, affordable, and reliable Trekking and Safari tours across Tanzania.

Some of our most popular tours are Mont Kilimanjaro trekking, Mount Meru trekking, and Wildlife safaris, but we also offer incredible guided culture tours, beach holidays, bike tours, honeymoon, day trips and many other outdoor activities.

​We cater to adventurers for all budget ranges and pride ourselves on uniquely tailored adventures and special service for our clients. Regardless of your budget, we will deliver to you the adventure of a lifetime, with high quality services at reasonable prices.

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