Phương Tran - местный частный тур гид в стране Вьетнам

Hi, my friends! How are you doing? I hope that you have a great time.

My name is Phuong. I'm living in Da Nang City which has the most beautiful beach on this planet :) I'm creative, sympathize, love to laugh, and simple to profile :) I believe that we meet each other by reason or destiny. So we can learn from each other.

I will show you the amazing cuisine, history, culture, glorious views, and friendly people around here.

We will not stop there. I also can help you to detox energies and bring peace and a calm atmosphere to you. Help you move back inside and heal the trauma. And connect with nature.

I look forward to have joyful time with you ahead.

Языки Английский, вьетнамский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Донг (VND)

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