Arash Karimi - местный частный тур гид в стране Иран

  • English
  • Español

Hello, I'm Arash. I've been a licensed English and Spanish tourist guide, driver guide, tour organizer, and itinerary specialist in Iran since 2015. With fluency in both English and Spanish, and a deep familiarity with all the monuments and routes, I offer and organize all kinds of historical and cultural tours, nomad tours, and more throughout Iran.

Whether you're fascinated by ancient Persian history, eager to immerse yourself in local culture, looking to try delicious Persian food, or seeking unique and unforgettable experiences, I am here to make your journey in Iran truly special. Join me for an adventure that goes beyond the typical tourist paths and discover the rich heritage and vibrant life of this incredible country.

Hola, soy Arash. He sido guía turístico licenciado en inglés y español, guía-conductor, organizador de tours y especialista en itinerarios en Irán desde 2015, y hablo inglés y español con fluidez. Tengo un amplio conocimiento sobre los diferentes monumentos y rutas en el país, y garantizo una experiencia fluida y enriquecedora para los viajeros. Ofrezco y organizo todo tipo de tours históricos y culturales, tours nómadas y más en todo Irán.

Si te interesa la antigua historia persa, quieres explorar la cultura local o simplemente vivir una experiencia inolvidable, estoy aquí para hacer que tu viaje en Irán sea realmente especial. Acompáñame en un viaje que va más allá de los lugares turísticos habituales, donde podrás descubrir la increíble historia, la vibrante cultura y probar la deliciosa cocina local de este fantástico país.

Языки Английский, Персидский, Испанский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Иранский риал (IRR)

Экскурсии (10)

Отзывы Туристов (10)

Thomas Warren
24 АПР 2024
I found Arash on Instagram we had a 9 days tour in Iran and I'm happy that I found him, he's such a wonderful guide and driver I should say he is so nice so friendly so professional and explains everything very well with so much passion. Arash is the best.
Scott Frederick
24 АПР 2024
My name is Scott I live in US, in spite of all bad news about Iran I decided to travel to Iran last year , I was told I needed to do the necessary steps through an agency, seems that for American tourists agency and guide must have specific license, the agency introduced Arash who was licensed and experienced and to be honest I enjoyed a lot being in Iran with Arash who was really professional, well speaking, knew everything, every places, every roads. Thanks to Arash I experienced local life also. Iran is a an amazing country with amazing people, I had very good experience in Iran and I'm looking forward to coming back there again. I recommend Arash as the best guide in Iran, he's the one you're looking for.
Daniel Islas
24 АПР 2024
Hola a todos, soy Daniel de México, estuvimos en Iran hace unos años con mi familia, estoy escribiendo a decirles que Arash nos ayudó muchísimo durante nuestro viaje en Iran, de verdad pasamos genial, y desde entonces estamos en contacto con Arash como amigos. Arash habla muy bien español y sobre todo su información sobre la historia es increíble. Si quieren disfrutar de su viaje contacten a Arash, el sabe lo que debería hacer.
Sanjeev Kamdar
24 АПР 2024
Arash is a nice reliable, kind and easy-going person who makes you feel comfortable. He knows what he is doing. He has perfect communication skills and therefore gives you peace of mind. I recommend him to anyone who wants to have an unforgettable experience in iran
Nuría Roselló Gregory
24 АПР 2024
Me llamo Nuría de España, Barcelona. El resumen de mi viaje en Irán es:
¡Gran experiencia! País maravilloso y cultura e historia únicas muy interesantes. ¡Ambiente tranquilo y seguro, gente positiva y comida extremadamente sabrosa! Pero sobre todo es el mejor guía del país, gracias a Arash disfrutamos muchísimo, el habla español como nativos y es muy experto.
Hafiz Bacon
24 АПР 2024
I'm from Singapore, we were in Iran last year. the trip was one big pleasure! We drove across the country with a wonderful driver guide Arash. we have never met a more professional driver guide, especially given the very confused and heavy traffic on the roads. Everything was just great!
Carolina Hernández
25 АПР 2024
Arash is not only a professional guide, but also an open-hearted person, interesting to talk to. We spent 8 days together. We finished our trip in Tehran and I should say that he is a really careful driver also. Thank you a lot for everything you did for us, Arash!
Ana De Ángeles
25 АПР 2024
Les presento al mejor guía de Iran, gracias a Arash pasamos 12 días inolvidables en Iran. Iran es un país maravilloso a pesar de todas las cosas malas que dicen rn las noticias. Es un buen destino para viaje.
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