Vincent Livinus - местный частный тур гид в странах Нигерия, Бенин, Гана

Join me in travelling around to learn and experience the rich history, culture, tradition, food, music, dance, natural endowments of villages, cities, countries within the coast of West Africa. Travelling together, we would learn and be exposed to the rich alluring traditions of Africa than what is obtainable in books of tourism and adventure. I am a seasoned travel tour guide who specialises in local and international tours for private, groups and corporate bodies. I have successfully organised, packaged and executed tours within the coast of West Africa covering Abeokuta, Oshogbo, Badagry in Lagos Nigeria, Cotonou, Ouidah, Ganvie, Abomey, Calavi in Benin Republic, Lome in Togo, Akosombo, Assin Manso, Kakum, Cape Coast, Accra and Kumasi in Ghana. My experience as a guide with Ucomeafric tours brought with it the required exposure while i traversed the length and breadth of the Coast of West Africa through all tour sites and coverage areas. I will be delighted to lead you through your sojourn and exploration because Africa is blessed with rich, amazing cultures and traditions. Come with me and together we'd experience an epiphany of events as they unfold, i am expanding and enhancing a wide range of offers as well as adding new and exciting tours. I'm aware that my success rate depends on the satisfaction of my clients, thereby fulfilling every need as they arise within my means is premium priority. Also note that i offer 1, Airport pickup 2, Hotel reservation 3, Tour guiding 4, Tour planning 5, Foreign exchange support 6, Local air ticketing and Transportation.

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