Minyahl Tareku - местный частный тур гид в странах Кения, Эфиопия, Эритрея

Greetings All.

I was born and grew up in the North part of Ethiopia in the small village called Guch Amaba near to the Blue Nile gorge where his father used to work. I Did my primary and high school study in Gojjam ber Secondary school . I studied Tour Operation, Guiding and Tourism Management at one of the prestigious tourism management training institutes in the country.

I started working as a local guide in the Blue Nile gorge and nearby areas when I was 15 years old during the weekend and summer time when school closed. I spent most of my life with American Archeologist researchers in the Blue Nile gorges , who are working on Geologies I had great foreign life experiences and has traveled to many countries for experience sharing.

I mostly travels with my groups during visits to different parts of the country to ensure my clients’ maximum comfort and share my professional experiences to my groups. I won a lot of positive comments from the groups I traveled with. I am also very well known at all tourist destinations in Ethiopia as a very sociable person.

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