Samuel Laurent - местный частный тур гид в стране Мадагаскар

My name is Samuel, everyone calls me Sam, I m official national tour guide agreed the state.

I am proud to be 100% Malagasy and thank you for considering me as your guide.

Being a guide is my dream, and I am so lucky and proud to say that I have fulfilled my dream of being a tour guide for my country,

I have worked very hard to train and learn to be the best guide possible, I learned a lot about tourism, obtaining my certificate of aptitude for this profession,

working for many tourist guide companies and hotels, and I gave countless tours in my country.

Madagascar is a magnificent country which attracts many visitors each year, it is home to many species of endemic animals, such as lemurs,

as well as tropical forests, endemic baobabs which are only found here, beautiful beaches and reefs.

The history of Madagascar and Malagasy culture are very interesting.

I will share you more about Malagasy culture, for its 18 tribes in differents regions.

I live on the island of Nosybe, and have set up to be my own independent tour operator on the island.

Book a tour with me and come explore the wild wonders of Madagascar!

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