Yousuf Alamri - местный частный тур гид в стране Оман

Hi, please allow meI’m Yousuf Al Amri, an enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide with a deep love for history, culture, and exploration. I am an active licensed professional tour guide and pride myself on my ability to add personal touches to every tour I conduct. It is extremely important to me that my guests return home with experiences to remember.I have many years’ experience in guiding tours all over Oman . As a Oman Travel Specialist with contacts and years of experience, I am able to help travelers with their plans and itineraries.One of my greatest passions is shopping and gathering information about where to buy what. Hence, I provide personal shopper services ensuring hassle-free purchasing and fair prices.I am looking forward to welcoming you here in Oman

Языки Арабский, Английский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Оманский риал (OMR)

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