Esther Wu - местный частный тур гид в стране Китай


Hi, I'm Esther, welcome to China with a 5-year experienced local guide in Sichuan.AND, clients always tick me as an excellent guide in the feedback forms from travel agencies, which you can't see from here, no review at this moment actually, but I believe WITH YOUR TRUST I WILL GET A LOT later.I graduated from Sichuan University, with a Tourism Management bachelor degree and an English-speaking tour guide license, I became a happy tour guide 5 years ago, leading self-driving tours, birding tours, sightseeing tours and hiking tours in west China, getting reviews as a friendly, helpful and knowledgeable guide.And with FLUENT ORAL ENGLISH, it's easy to communicate with me.Summer offers COMPLETE TRAVEL FREEDOM: you decide WHERE to go and WHEN to go...With a comfortable new 7-seat business van(maximum for 5 clients), and a good work partner, the experienced, patient, friendly driver who I worked with 3 years already, I can easily adapt to your needs, make your trip very flexible and have bonus, not only show you the interesting scenic spots, but also let you experience the REAL CHINESE LOCAL LIFE, local parks, shopping mall, markets, teahouses…wherever you wanna go to in Chengdu, we will take you to and show you around there.For SINGLE, COUPLE, FAMILY of 3 people, I will also use my business van, but just charge a reasonable price as a private car.If you just want to hire me as a guide WITHOUT THE VAN it's also ok for me.And I also arrange tours to the other areas of Sichuan, such as Leshan, Mt.Emei, Sanxingdui, Dujiangyan, Mt.Qingcheng, Jiuzhaigou, Aba, Ganzi.To book discounted local night shows, local flavor meals, Sichuan-food cooking class, panda volunteer work etc.PAYMENT AT THE END OF THE TRIP IS ACCEPTABLE.I Love traveling,and very easy-going,and I have a strong sense of responsibility,and dare to meet new challenges; I'm very easy to get along with,able to establish good relationships with strangers in a short period of time;

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